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Plasma and Mesotherapy
Plasma and Mesotherapy
Plasmage is a non-surgical technique for repair and restoration of fine wrinkles and eyelids. A local anesthetic is given during the half an hour procedure that tightens the eyelids without surgery and helps get rid of scars and moles.
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Cool Sculpting

It’s a non-surgical treatment based on freeze technique for fat removal. It is the only one licensed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA approved) and the adoption of European quality (CE). It is the only safe and effective device through a patented safety mechanism that prevents freezing damage to other cells. The solution does not require any needles, anesthesia, diet nor recovery time, and is carried out by specialists accredited to operate this device. Fat freezing is a proven and effective method of permanent fat removal that is difficult to remove by sport and diet. It can be used for all areas of the body.