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Plasma and Mesotherapy
Plasma and Mesotherapy
Plasmage is a non-surgical technique for repair and restoration of fine wrinkles and eyelids. A local anesthetic is given during the half an hour procedure that tightens the eyelids without surgery and helps get rid of scars and moles.
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Post Lipo Care

At our clinic, we offer different massages  to care for patients after liposuction surgery. Massage helps to discharge fluid in the body, which accelerates the recovery period. It also helps to show the results of the process positively.

Benefits of massage for lymphatic drainage:

  1. Reduces swelling and prevents fluid buildup
  2. Reduces discomfort after surgery
  3. Prevents scar formation under the skin
  4. Promotes blood circulation
  5. Stimulates wound healing
  6. Boosts the flow of toxins to expel them outside the body

Types of massage

  1. Manual lymphatic massage
  2. Massage devicec
  3. Pressure Massage ( Presso Therapy )
  4. Massage with Ultrasonuc Waves
  5. Percutaneous Aspiration